This is ME

Sunday, April 4, 2010

All Me...

This post I could see ruffling a few feathers.  I was thinking about it today as  I was saw all posts on facebook that I see referring to how G-d or Jesus gets my friends through rough times, or through the day, or even through a simple plane ride.  I do not agree with my friends on this...I never agreed with  the song "Jesus Take the Wheel"...I am more of the thinking that people should make their own destiny...take control of their lives...why leave your life up to someone/something beyond you?  Maybe that makes me a control freak, goodness knows I have been called that before!  But I think that has been what gets me through this illness...I don't believe it is G-d or some higher power getting me through my days...it is all me and my family when I can't manage...it hasn't been easy, and maybe it would be easier if I put my faith in something bigger then myself and just threw my hands up and let that being take over, letting all that happened next not be my fault "it's all G-d's plan"...that is not my style...what happens is ALL ME...my life and my health and my happiness are my responsibility and I think that makes a stronger and happier person for it, because I can own all the good and bad that happens...I HOPE HOPE HOPE my choices will continue to make me stronger and healthier and happier as I enter my 30's...

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