This is ME

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bordering Desperation

I just realized today that it has been almost two years since I have been in a relationship.  Two years since I have had sex...been intimate with anyone.  My life has been consumed with illness, has been in the dreaded "survival mode" for two whole years.  This is not acceptable.  I have been on Match.com for over 3 months now to no avail.  I have met a couple of guys, but they are real jerks.  Their attitudes towards women, and to be honest, just in general, are completely negative.  I cannot deal with that kind of stress in my life.  I need someone who will be a shining light in my life.  Someone who will lift my spirits when I am sick and help me to enjoy my life when I am well.  I need calm energy (with a kick)...and of course, the attraction needs to be there as well! 

I hope I don't ask too much.  For now, I will go back to HOPE HOPE HOPE that I find what I am looking for...