This is ME

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I don't normally post about politics...but today I just saw something on my facebook page, from one of my "friends" that just irritated me to no end.  She wrote that she is "disgusted" by the thought of "socialized healthcare".  This post makes me incredibly frustrated!  I have a really hard time with people of my generation believing that ALL people don't deserve health care.  Who is she to decide that there are people out there that are not good enough to see a doctor, to pay for tests, for medications, just because they can't afford insurance...or maybe it's because they have a "pre-existing condition" that prevents them from obtaining it another way.  Not all people who don't have insurance now are "deadbeats who can't get jobs" as the way most people out there are depicting it now.  There have been so many reports on t.v. from people who NEED insurance...people who are dying without medications...people this legislation would help.  I HOPE HOPE HOPE the American people will open their eyes and stop this partisan-bashing and look to the good of the nation!!!

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