This is ME

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rock and a Hard Place

Last night I fainted after dinner and today I got a migraine and fainted after some diet Coke...all thanks to my period.  I still have the damn rash on my chest...I am exhausted.  I can't wait for this nightmare of a cycle to be OVER so I can return to some sort of "normal" for me.  I know it is because of the hormones and after doing a little research on line (because you know my doctors aren't any help) I know it's also because of adrenal fatigue of some sort.  Well that should not surprise me any.  My adrenals do not work, and haven't in a very long time thanks to all the prednisone I have been on.  Unfortunately I cannot lower my dose because of all the upcoming events...family coming in for Passover, then my sister and James coming into town for a few days, then my dental visit (which will take a few WEEKS to recover from...).  I won't be able to lower for almost two months...

Two more cycles like this...I HOPE HOPE HOPE I can make it through ok...

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