This is ME

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I had my first date in year and half...I met him from an on line dating service and spoke to him on the phone for a week or so before we met in person.  Today, I met him at a great Italian restaurant and then we were going to walk around the mall a bit (the restaurant was at the mall...so we didn't have to drive anywhere else).  We met for a late lunch...the food was delicious, but he found a way to be negative about the restaurant when I said that he would now have a great new place to go when he wanted good Italian food. He also told me stories where he was rude to friends and strangers...I can't understand people like that.  I try to be nice and positive and happy...why waste so much energy being mean and hurtful to people? Why be negative all the time? Why not be happy with what you have?

I dated someone like this before...never happy with what he had...and therefore, never happy with me...I always had to be better...I had to dress better, want to do something better with my life, exercise more, etc...I cannot be with someone like that again!  It was too hurtful! 

I HOPE HOPE HOPE I will find someone who will make me as happy as I can make them...

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