This is ME

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tired and Confused

I thought my cycle was done...I thought I would start feeling better...not so much, apparently.  Yesterday was awful...I had a low grade fever, stomach pains, nausea, headache that turned into a migraine...the works. This morning, my period RESTARTED!  WTF?!?  Seriously...

I stopped eating dairy all together yesterday because I realized that may very possibly be aggravating my stomach issues.  Sure enough, no dairy today, and my nausea and cramps have been limited...even with the migraine.  I have fainted twice though...but that is thanks to the damn migraine.  I made an appointment with my neurologist for next week, the day after I see the uro/gyn.  I NEED answers...I HOPE HOPE HOPE I get them...I NEED to move on with my life...30 is staring me in the face...

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