This is ME

Monday, March 29, 2010

A New Moon Day

Today was one of those days where it was rainy all day...my Mom and I finally had nothing to do.  After all weekend of stressing out over Passover and family coming over for lunch and whether or not I was going to be well enough, all the stress was GONE!  We were able to relax and enjoy ourselves!  What better way then with a little OCD (Obsessive Cullen Disorder)?!?  Actually, for me it's more it's more like OJD because I am definitely into the Team Jacob thing...haha...even though I feel a little like a cougar saying that (hey, I am almost 30 *groan*, and he is only 18...). 

To me, this day was right on the money...relaxing and feeling well enough to enjoy a great movie!  I HOPE HOPE HOPE tomorrow and Wednesday's doctor's appointments go well to keep up this trend...

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