This is ME

Friday, March 5, 2010


Typically I don't comment on my friends' posts on facebook about their religious beliefs.  This time I felt I should. My friend wrote that he believed that religion was "silly" and that it led to feelings of guilt. Part of that I believe...it can lead to feelings of guilt, if taught in such a way that promotes hate and intolerance...but I had to comment about the part of religion being "silly".  I am not religious, but I do believe that people should be able to feel comfortable in whatever higher power they believe. He of course wrote that he loved how open minded I am, but he feels that religion leads to war and pain. I can't disagree with that...but I have seen it do quite a bit of good in the lives of my sick friends.  They need something to cling to, even if it's something they can't see...I HOPE HOPE HOPE people will learn tolerance, and SOON...

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