This is ME

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I had originally heard about this book from my therapist and then from aunt, who both recommend books to me all the time.  They both know my taste in books and share from the heart.  My aunt and I have very similar taste in books pretty frequently...particuraly with books of the spiritual sort.  Then my therapist suggested it, and I thought about it, but just wasn't in the right frame of mind.  This must have been about a year or so ago.  I know that at the time I was going through the worst of illness and needing more of an escape from reality then deep and meaningful thoughts about how to set my soul free through traveling the world (which I would LOVE to do). 

Now that the movie is about to come out, and I had just finished my latest books on my kindle, which were trashy romance novels (fun fluff, but mind mush), I was ready to read something of substance.  I decided to download the free sample to see if I would like it before I bought the whole book (one of the best things about kindle).  My sister was down for a few days and I told her about the book and she said that she could not get through it, it was too dry for her.  One of my girlfriends said the same thing.  I became a bit skeptical about whether or not I would enjoy it...but my taste in books does vary quite a bit from my sister and that particular friend, so I decided to go ahead with the free trial, I mean, I had nothing to lose there.

Boy am I glad that I did!  I absolutely love this book!  I can't imagine why anyone would think this book is dry or dull.  The way the author depicts her journey through her soul is both enlightened and yet not overbearing.  She does not try to shove anything down the reader's throat, she is mearly sharing her experiences with humor and humility.  She was not perfect...far from it, and she acknowledges that fully.  The way that she was able to pick up her life that was in complete and utter ruins and put it back together is awe inspiring.  I HOPE HOPE HOPE that when I am well enough I have the courage and strength of conviction to do just that!!!

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