This is ME

Monday, February 22, 2010

Autonomic Allergic Reaction

How weird is my body...for the second time, when we ate at an Italian restaurant in Weston, I ate pasta basillica (pasta with basil tomato sauce) and I had an allergic-type autonomic reaction.  The skin on my chest started to itch in the restaurant right after the meal before we left and my Mom asked if I was alright, because she said my eyes started look glassy.  I then started to pass out, for the first time in weeks.  My Mom pulled into a parking lot and waited until I came out of it and then I look 3 benedryl because I was so incredibly stingy.  Once we got home I also took a little bit more neurontin because I was still feeling off....my throat was starting to spasm.  The neurontin helped right away..the benedryl helped the rest of the way, although now my head feels all swimmy. 

I HOPE HOPE HOPE I can avoid more reactions...wish I knew why my allergies all have autonomic reactions attached to them...

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