This is ME

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Teeth...and Freaking Out

Ok...so my gums look a mess!  There are deep pockets below my bottom teeth and the top gums are receding all of sudden.  I made an appointment with a dentist tomorrow to have it looked at and see what they can do.  I looked on the web and saw that it could just require a deep cleaning and some medication to heal the gums...I really hope that is all!  I am scared though...my body has NOT been handing stress of different medications or different ANYTHING for that matter.  I go into autonomic shock very easily.  I faint, my throat closes, my whole body burns and stings, I get fevers and infections and sores.  It's like I have an autoimmune disease that is just one big flare up right now, probably from lowering my prednisone and catching a cold at the same time, plus stopping my birth control pill a few weeks ago (well a month ago now, I guess). 

I HOPE HOPE HOPE tomorrow goes well...he will just be looking and prescribing an antibiotic if he is going to do work..HOPE HOPE HOPE my teeth will be ok!!!

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