This is ME

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hope and Fear

Every day I end the blog with a line about hope. I mean every line I write...but I also fear that the hopeful statement won't come true...today's hope is laced with more fear then most.  I am hoping that the weekend will go smoothly.  My parents and I are going to be surprising my sister and James at his birthday party and then staying for the next day's trip to Epcot...it was a last minute decision, of course, based on so many factor's, like how JB was feeling and how I was feeling.  My sister's boyfriend is helping us keep this all a secret for everyone so we can surprise them...it should be a lot of fun.  SHOULD being the operative word...I always feel like the other shoe is going drop...even though I am hopeful...sigh...

HOPE HOPE HOPE...if anyone reads this, please hope with me!! 

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