This is ME

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

Yesterday was one of those days you just want to END!  I went to the dentist in the afternoon and he told me that I had peritonitis on my bottom gums (which I suspected) and that I would need a deep cleaning and scaling, plus I had two cavities, one of which might need a root canal...none of which is covered by my insurance so it will cost a FORTUNE!  Also, it will all require numbing...which, at this point I am allergic to...so I have to go to an allergist to see whether I am allergic to a preservative in the shot (so I can get a preservative free one) or whether I have to pay for a hospital stay and get general anesthesia (I REALLY hope NOT!!). 

I also got a call back from my rheumatologist.  He told me that lymphocyte count was down to 648 (my last one was 900)...of course I do have a cold, and this could be because of a virus, but he was concerned, so I am too. He is still waiting for all my other tests to come back, especially considering I am running fevers every day.

I see the uro/gyn today...HOPE HOPE HOPE for some good news...I don't know if I can deal with anymore bad... 

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