This is ME

Monday, February 15, 2010

Full Weekend...Now Dropping

We had a great weekend with everyone here!  It was great that my sister and crew were staying a hotel, though, because JB ended up getting a cold...which, honestly scares me. I did not kiss all over him, and I wash my hands quite often...but still, having him in the house, with me lowering my prednisone now, is not great timing...but when are things ever good timing?!?  The weekend was still wonderful!!  The kids were GREAT!!!  They get along incredibly well...Belle is a sweet girl, a bit dramatic, but she is 10, so that makes sense...I can relate to being like that at her age.  She enjoys playing with JB and doesn't mind sharing games and even stopped playing the Wii so JB would go outside with my Mom and do sidewalk chalk.  They all ended up having a wonderful time because the chalk was 3-D (VERY cool!)  The lunch on Sunday was really good, too!  The kids were very patient during the extremely long lunch time.  I was surprised by how smoothly everything went this weekend!

Today everyone went home in the morning after spending some  time at our house.  It is always sad to see them leave...They probably won't be back for a month or 2. 

I did lower my prednisone this morning..down to 12.5 mg from 15 mg of prednisone.  I HOPE HOPE HOPE this goes more smoothly then the last drop!!!

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