This is ME

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3rd Week Hell...and the doctor visit ta boot...

It all started out ok...went to the doctor to get my urine rechecked from that mystery infection we didn't know I had in the hospital on the 16th...Then, sitting with my Mom, waiting to be seen, BAMM, like a strike of lightening in my brain, MIGRAINE HELL!! Not only that...the room starts swimming around me, the noise of the waiting room was intense, the lights were bright against the tile floor, reflecting off and making the dizzyness so much worse...everything was floating around me. I leaned against my Mom and prayed I didn't faint...I did NOT want a big scene! The nurse called my name a short time later...he was a large guy, and was very concerned when he saw me, I must have looked horrible because I could barely walk without stumbling and was crying. He led me to the bathroom so I could do a urine sample and then led me to the exam room. Another doc examined me because she saw how terrible I looked...she seemed interested, but I was too much for her too...she looked at the urine results 2+ white cells and some other non-specific findings and she said I did NOT have a UTI...UMMM...usually increased white cells mean something, plus I am having symptoms, PLUS I had an abnormal (although SLIGHTLY abnormal) test in the hospital. She spoke with my regular doc and said they would wait for the culture to come back before putting me on antibiotics...she was actually thinking about giving me a shot of antibiotics right there in the office (my Mom and I were horrified at that due to my long list of allergies and the fact that I was still getting over my last reaction...).

On the way home my migraine got worse...just have to make it through this migraine...no meds to help me now...*sigh*...don't know how this week will turn out...I hope hope hope it is better then it's start...the dreams are already putting me a panic...but I will write about that tomorrow...right now I just have to hope I make it through until tomorrow...HOPE HOPE HOPE...

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