This is ME

Friday, January 15, 2010

Levaquin is a Pain...

My second day on the Levaquin, you know, the one I paid out $200 of MY OWN money for, in the hopes that the insurance would pay me back, in the hopes that it would work...well it turns out, neither is going to be true...for one, my doctor's office didn't even TRY to get the prior authorization necessary to get me paid back (nice huh?!?), they decided to just call in a different antibiotic, one that would be guaranteed to rip my stomach to shreds, so now, the money is flushed down the potty! The second hope that is crushed is that I started experiencing HORRIBLE pain in my muscles after the second dose, a sure sign that I can't take the medicine again...that is one of the most frequent, and worst side effects of this medicine.  LOVELY! I also experienced, during night 1, insomnia, so I decided to take less of the medicine in the afternoon instead of at night...I also ended up having WICKED cramps and "D" all morning thanks to drinking some pedalyte, of all things, because I lost so much fluid weight during the night (I was up all night peeing...weird med, I tell ya!).

I have an appointment with my neurologist Friday afternoon...HOPEFULLY he will have a better suggestion for an antibiotic, test, SOMETHING! I can't keep this up...I am just getting sicker...I also have a call into my primary...who knows...once again HOPE HOPE HOPE...this time let's HOPE it's to stay out of the hospital!

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