This is ME

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fabulous Day

I can't believe it, I woke up without a migraine! WAHOO! I just had to wait for my parents to come home from taking my grandparents food shopping, then I could go out shopping with my Mom to look for some new clothes.  Every week my parents, usually just my Dad because he helps carry the groceries in the house, take my grandparents food shopping. But because my Grandmother, Bumba, was just in the hospital with bronchitis, and is SO short of breath and shouldn't lift things, my Mom went to walk up and down the isles with her, and then my Dad went when they were almost done to help put the groceries away...a team effort!  I stayed home with Shayna and finished "Precious"...a VERY good, but emotionally draining book...I can't imagine how rough the movie would be...I don't think that is one I would want to see!

When my Mom came home from food shopping I ate lunch and then we headed to the mall to look for new jeans/purses/khaki pants.  I really need to replenish my wardrobe! After gaining and losing so much weight, my clothes are either WAY too big or too old and out of style or still too small...nothing seems to fit properly anymore.  We went to a few different stores and I tried on about a dozen pairs of jeans in size 4 and 6...the 6's were ALL too big and the 4's seemed either too small or just didn't fit quite right, like I was right in the middle of the two sizes.  I was ready to give up and go home! Then my Mom suggested we go upstairs in Macy's (the department store where we parked). I felt pretty sure I wasn't going to find anything and was rather worn out by this point, but agreed because they were having good sales.  I am SOOOO glad I agreed!! I found the CUTEST pair of Michael Kors jeans for 50% off!!!  They are a size 4...YEA!!! They fit perfectly and even have a little blingy zipper on the butt...hehehe...I have never had jeans like this before...rather "fancy"!! 

After that we came home because I was EXHAUSTED, but HAPPY! Watched my soap operas and relaxed for a bit in the afternoon before dinner and just hung out.  After dinner I managed to get on the Wii Fit for a little while...that felt quite good...especially seeing that I didn't gain any weight in 2 weeks! That had been my "goal"! I am within my target weight range! I really just need to tone up to look good in clothes again.  My tummy is flabby, but I think that is from having gained so much fluid from the Cushing's and then losing it so fast.  After the Wii Fit, I played Rock Band with my Dad...me on the guitar, my Dad on the drums.  We almost made it through the 14 song set, but flunked out on the last song..I think it's because my Mom got a frantic call from my grandparents about coming over to fix their nebulizers (the company came over and only set one up for them...my grandparents couldn't figure out how to do the other one). I was concerned and couldn't focus on the game.

Then we ended up watching some Food Network until bed.  All in all...not a bad day!  :)  I am glad tomorrow will get colder (Even though it's supposed to rain on Saturday, at least Sunday is supposed to be GORGEOUS!) Hopefully this trend of feeling better will continue...HOPE HOPE HOPE...

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