This is ME

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bronchitis Again?!?!

UGH!  I am sick! AGAIN!!  *Sigh* Passing out 3 times in a row...from just taking a shower...I felt like I was burning up.  My temperature was only 99.3, but for me, that is crazy high thanks to prednisone squelshing fevers. I feel like my body is going out of control...my right arm felt weak again...I felt dizzy at night, couldn't walk without help! Seriously don't know what's going on.  Going to the doctor tomorrow. I need a new antibiotic...can't take this anymore!

Will write again tomorrow...HOPE HOPE HOPE for a good antibiotic HOPE HOPE HOPE for some news...HOPE HOPE HOPE for something...ANYTHING...

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