This is ME

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Decent Day

So I decided yesterday, that each day, when I write this blog, it will be about the day before, as a reflection on the day before.  I am better when I process my thoughts then when I just kind of blurt them out.  I know, that is what you are supposed to do with a blog...kind of a "verbal vomit", as my Mom would say.  I just would be happier with my posts if I had a chance to think them through first.  So that is what I am going to do!

Yesterday was a pretty good day, physically, at least.  I had no migraine, for the first time in two days.  My back didn't hurt, no stomach ache, I didn't faint, and my bronchitis is FINALLY getting better.  I was able to go out into the GORGEOUS, brisk South Florida winter weather (it was a WONDERFUL 54 degrees) and SUNNY!!  I had a CT scan of my kidneys and abdomen.  I got the results at night from my Cleveland Clinic "mychart" (which is very convenient, since you don't have to wait for the doctor to call you with the results). Of course, they came back normal.  Nothing with me is ever easy, ever structurally wrong. No kidney stones, nothing wrong with my adrenal glands.  You may be wondering why this would be "easy".  It would be something a doctor could see...could fix.  Nope...not with me...with me it is "functional"...which means things just don't work right...they don't "function" properly. So no doctor can SEE it on a test.  Makes it damn hard to diagnose, that's for sure!

But all in all, it was a good day!  I came home from the test and played on the computer, and played with my dog, Shayna...she is the sweetest little 20 lb black cocker-spaniel/poodle mix around! She is like a therapy dog to me...she is my constant companion at home. She rarely leaves my lap, even when I am throwing up, or using a nebulizer treatment, she is on top of me. If I am passed out, she is right there with me.  She seems to sense where I am hurting and she curls up on that spot.  She is only 7 1/2 years old, but she was just diagnosed with grade II hemangiosarcoma of the spleen, and despite having her spleen removed, she wasn't given a good prognosis.  We are keeping her as comfortable as possible for as long we can.  She is a happy girl, still, and that's all we care about. 

Ok...enough sad stuff again...back to my day...I also played on the Wii RockBand2...I LOVE that game!! I am pretty good on the drums and guitar.  I am happy to say that I am improving...hehehe.  My singing voice however...lol...I don't think anyone really wants to hear that!  I enjoy singing...ALONE...hehehe...
After playing Rockband for a while I watched some tv and then went to bed around 10pm...not bad....I went to bed hoping for a repeat...I really needed another day like that!!  HOPE HOPE HOPE was the last thing I thought before I fell asleep...

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