This is ME

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bad Dreams

This morning I was SO exhausted that I went back to sleep after breakfast in my parents' bed with my puppy, Shayna. I don't even know how long I had been sleeping...when I rest in their bed, with Shayna, I usually don't fall asleep...this time I did...I had such a horrible nightmare! I woke up in a panic attack! I was short of breath, scared, and not sure if what I had dreamt was real or not.  I remembered most of the dream. I dreamt that my Dad came home from work and I was still sleeping.  I could hear the car pull up, and my Dad come in the house.  I thought this was very strange.  I tried to get up, but I couldn't move...I kept trying to get out of bed...to at least turn over, but I couldn't...I could hear my parents talking over me, but I just couldn't move...my hand was over my mouth...I could barely breath...that's when I woke up.  I went to look outside to see if my Dad was home, of course he was NOT home...it was just a dream!

Later on that day, I was still exhausted for some reason, so I went to lay down again...and again, I had another nightmare...and another panic attack when I woke up! This time, I dreamt that I was at the kitchen table with my Mom and I told her I was tired and wanted to lay down, that I felt hot...she felt my head and said I was burning up, that I had a fever...I shouldn't have a fever because I just stopped antibiotics (true even not in my dream) so she was going to take me to the doctor, so she went to the bathroom to get ready. I headed toward her room to tell her I didn't feel well, but I started to feel numb on my right side...I saw Shayna and the gate we usually use to put her in the bedroom when we leave getting closer (like I am going to faint), I am getting scared...I try to call out, but I can't because I am going to faint...I start to fall into the gate and it falls on Shayna, trapping her under the gate, and I start freaking out, but I can't move because I am out of it from fainting! My Mom comes in and sees both me and Shayna on the floor. She moves the gate off of Shayna and I come to and tell her that my right side is completely numb, including my face, I can barely speak, I can't move my arm. I tell her I think I had a stroke.  She rolls her eyes and said "You didn't have a stroke". (In real life, I have NOT had a stroke and have gone tingly before, but never numb like that). I got mad and tried to show her my droopy face and tell her that I DID have a stroke! She told me we would go to the closest hospital and get trasfered to our usual hospital if it showed I did have a stroke and had to be admitted because we don't like the ER resident there anyway (true in real life).  My Dad came home and we told him what happened...he told us to go to the hospital and asked us why we waited so long!! I then woke up in a panic!!! 

Panic attacks nightmares happen every 3rd and 4th week of my cycle now...they are really freaking me out!!

I am SOOOO glad I am going to the endochronologist next week!!!!  HOPE HOPE HOPE he can help!!!

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