This is ME

Friday, January 22, 2010

Yet Another Allergy...

Went out in the morning with my Mom to the bookstore and Whole Foods to "get healthy"...bought the SuperFoods Rx book that my friend Kristen recommended. It actually seems pretty cool! Lots of easy things to add into the diet, like blueberries and adding juice into my club soda to make it a "super food" will hopefully add some nutritional benefits. My Mom is really getting into it! Hopefully my Dad will follow suit...but he just doesn't seem to get the importance of eating healthy...especially when things are stressful, and things are ALWAYS stressful around here lately!

I noticed that the rash on my chest is MUCH worse!! I am also a lot achier! My muscles really hurt and I have a sore in my mouth and "down there"...maybe from the Topomax to 250 mg?? My Mom thinks it might be from the ketorolac...ugh! I don't know anymore!!  I called up my neurologist and told them I would be dropping my dose of Topomax back down to 200 mg just to be safe.  I am in so much pain by night time I can barely move! I have been having trouble thinking straight for weeks now, that was WAY before the ketorolac...and I went into the hospital for a rash, which is why I even GOT the ketorolac to begin with, we just blamed it on the Levaquin...Who knows anymore what is causing what...I am just ready to be off all these damn meds!  If I could just STOP the Topomax I WOULD! But I know that could cause I seizure...I sure as hell don't want that!!  It is such a clusterfuck!!!

HOPE HOPE HOPE it gets better tomorrow...always...

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